
Publications in Review

Brett, L, Bloomfield, H.C., and co-authors. Complex hazards and risks: Towards bringing compound event and multi-hazard-(risk) thinking into policy and practice (submitted to Meteorological Applications)

Mattu, K.L.M.,, White, C.J., Bloomfield, H.C., Robbins,J. Characterising cold-dry and cold-wet compound events in the United Kingdom (submitted to the International Journal of Climatology)

Wilczack, J.M., Kierk-Davidoff, D.B., Bloomfield, H.C., Bracken, C., Sharp, J., Wind and Solar Energy Droughts: Potential Impacts on Energy System Dynamics and Research Needs (submitted to Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews)

Soret, A., Gonzalez, P.L.M., Bloomfield, H.C., Giacomo, M., Goutham, N., Plougonven, R., Torralba, V., Sub-seasonal to seasonal climate predictions for energy (book chapter submitted as part of the sub-sesaonal to seasonal prediction 2nd edition)

Hunt, K. M.R., and Bloomfield, H.C., Building and explaining data-driven energy demand models for Indian states. (submitted to Environmental Research: Energy)


Sanchez-Pozo, N. N., Vanem, E., Bloomfield, H.C., Aizpurua, J.I., A Probabilistic Risk Assessment Framework for the Impact Assessment of Extreme Events on Renewable Power Plant Components Renewable Energy

Hillier, J., Bloomfield, H.C., Manning, C., Shaffrey, L., Bates, P., Kumar, D., Increasingly seasonal jet stream drives stormy episodes with joint wind-flood risk in Great Britain (International Journal of Climatology, Accepted)

Thompson, V., Mitchell, D., Dunstone, N., Kay, G., Bloomfield, H.C., Detecting Rising Wildfire Risks for South East England Climate Resilience and Sustainability

Dijkstra, I., Bloomfield, H.C., , Hunt, K.M.R., Identifying weather patterns responsible for renewable energy production droughts in India Advances in Geosciences


Hillier, J., Champion, A., Perkins, T., Garry, F., and Bloomfield H.C., Open R-code to communicate the impact of co-occurring natural hazards Geoscience Communications

Ruggles, T.H.,Virgüez, E., Reich, N.,Dowling, J., Bloomfield, H.C., Antonini, E., Davis, S.J., Lewis, N.S., Caldeira, K. Planning reliable wind- and solar-based electricity systems Advances in Applied Energy

Hunt, K. M.R., and Bloomfield, H.C., Quantifying renewable energy potential and realised capacity in India: opportunities and challenges Meteorological Applications

Macholl, J.D., Roberts, H., Steptoe, H., Sun, S., Angus, M., Davenport, C., Luscombe, W., Rolker, H.B., Pope, E.C.D., Dawkins, L.C., Munday, G., Giles, D., Lam, T., Deutloff, J., Champion, A.J., Bloomfield, H.C., Mendes, J., Speight, L., Bradshaw, C.D., Wyatt F., A collaborative hackathon to investigate climate change and extreme weather in justice and insurance settings Weather

Giddings, J., Bloomfield, H.C., James, R., Blair, M. The impact of future UK offshore wind farm distribution and climate change on generation performance and variability Environmental Research Letters

Grochowicz, A., van Greevenbroek, K., Bloomfield, H.C., Using power system modelling outputs to identify weather-induced extreme events in highly renewable systems Environmental Research Letters

Anel, J.A., Perez-Souto, C., Prieto-Godino, L. Bloomfield, H.C., Troccoli, A., de la Torre, L., Extreme weather events and the energy sector in 2021 Weather Climate and Society

Bloomfield, H.C., Bates, P, Shaffrey, L.C., Hillier, J., Champion, A., Cotterill, D., Pope, J.O., Kumar, D. , Meteorological drivers of compound wind-flood events in Great Britain in present and future climates Environmental Research Letters

Jurasz,J., Guezgouz, M., Campana, P.E., Kaźmierczak, B., Kuriqi, A., Bloomfield, H.C., Hingray, B., Canales, F.A., Hunt, J., Sterl, S., and Elkadeem, M. Complementarity of wind and solar power in Northern Africa: potential for alleviating energy droughts and impacts of the North Atlantic Oscillation. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 191(114181)

Kapica, J., Jurasz, J., Canales, F.A., Bloomfield, H.C., Guezgouz, M., de Felice, M., Zbigniew, K., The potential impact of climate change on European renewable energy droughts Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 189 (114011)


Bloomfield, H.C., Hillier, J., Griffin, A., Kay, A., Shaffrey, L., Pianosi, F., James, R., Kumar, D., Champion, A & Bates, P. Co-Occurring Wintertime Flooding and Extreme Wind Over Europe, from Daily to Seasonal Timescales. Weather and Climate Extremes 39(100550).

Wright, M., Skinner, D., Bloomfield, H.C., Mallinson, H., RMetS Climate Change Forum 2022: a vision for 2050 and implications for action Weather 78 (4) p117-119.

Tedesco, P., Lenkoski A., Bloomfield, H.C.,, Silmann, Gaussian copula modeling of extreme cold and weak-wind events over Europe conditioned on winter weather regimes Environmental Research Letters Environmental Research Letters 18(3), 034008.


Otero, N., Martius, O., Allen, S., Bloomfield, H. C., & Schaefli, B. (2022). A copula-based assessment of renewable energy droughts across Europe. Renewable Energy 201(1) 667-677

Bloomfield, H.C., Wainwright, C.M., Mitchell, N. (2022). Characterising the variability and meteorological drivers of wind power and solar power generation over Africa Meteorological Applications 29(5), e2093

Otero, N., Martius, O., Allen, S., Bloomfield, H. C., & Schaefli, B. (2022). Characterizing renewable energy compound events across Europe using a logistic regression‐based approach. Meteorological Applications, 29(5), e2089.

Greenwood, D. M., Deakin, M., Sarantakos, I., Brayshaw, D. J., & Bloomfield, H. C. (2022). Capacity value of interconnectors for resource adequacy assessment in multi-region systems. In 2022 17th International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (PMAPS) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.

Bloomfield, H. C., Brayshaw, D. J., Deakin, M., & Greenwood, D. (2022). Hourly historical and near-future weather and climate variables for energy system modelling. Earth System Science Data Discussions, 1-26.

Craig, M. T., Wohland, J., Stoop, L. P., Kies, A., Pickering, B., Bloomfield, H. C., Browell, J., De Felice, M., Dent, C.J., Deroubaix, A., Frischmuth, F., Gonzalez, P.L.M., Grochowicz, A., Gruber, K., Härtel, P., Kittel, M., Kotzur, L., Labuhn, I., Lundquist, J.K., Pflugradt, N., van der Wiel, K. Zeyringer, M. & Brayshaw, D. J. (2022). Overcoming the disconnect between energy system and climate modeling. Joule.

Mattu, K. L., Bloomfield, H. C., Thomas, S., Martinez-Alvarado, O., & Rodriguez-Hernandez, O. (2022). The impact of tropical cyclones on potential offshore wind farms. Energy for Sustainable Development, 68, 29-39.

Schuhen, N., Schaller, N., Bloomfield, H. C., Brayshaw, D. J., Lledó, L., Cionni, I., & Sillmann, J. (2022). Predictive Skill of Teleconnection Patterns in Twentieth Century Seasonal Hindcasts and Their Relationship to Extreme Winter Temperatures in Europe. Geophysical Research Letters, e2020GL092360.

Fallon, J. C., Bloomfield, H. C., Brayshaw, D. J., Sparrow, S. N., Wallom, D. C., Woollings, T., Brown K., Dawkins, L. Palin, E., Houben, N., Huppmann, D., & Schyska, B. U. (2022). Understanding Climate Risk in Future Energy Systems: An Energy–Climate Data Hackathon. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 103(5), E1321-E1329.

Thomas, J., Stone, E.J., Mitchell, D.M., Seviour, W., Barnes, C., Bloomfield, H.C.,, Crook, J., Jones, H., and MacLeod, C. Organising a collaborative online hackathon for cutting‐edge climate research. Weather (2022).

Deakin, M., Greenwood, D., Brayshaw, D. J., & Bloomfield, H.C. (2022). Comparing Generator Unavailability Models with Empirical Distributions from Open Energy Datasets. In 2022 17th International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (PMAPS) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.

Domeisen, D. I., White, C. J., Afargan-Gerstman, H., Muñoz, Á. G., Janiga, M. A., Vitart, F., Bloomfield, H.C.,... & Tian, D. (2022). Advances in the subseasonal prediction of extreme events: Relevant case studies across the globe. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.


Deakin, M., Bloomfield, H. C., Greenwood, D., Sheehy, S., Walker, S., & Taylor, P. C. (2021). Impacts of heat decarbonization on system adequacy considering increased meteorological sensitivity. Applied Energy, 298, 117261.

Thomas, S. R., Nicolau, S., Martínez‐Alvarado, O., Drew, D. J., & Bloomfield, H. C. (2021). How well do atmospheric reanalyses reproduce observed winds in coastal regions of Mexico?. Meteorological Applications, 28(5), e2023.

Bloomfield, H. C., Brayshaw, D. J., Gonzalez, P. L., & Charlton‐Perez, A. (2021). Pattern‐based conditioning enhances sub‐seasonal prediction skill of European national energy variables.Meteorological Applications, 28(4), e2018.

Guezgouz, M., Jurasz, J., Chouai, M., Bloomfield, H. C., & Bekkouche, B. (2021). Assessment of solar and wind energy complementarity in Algeria. Energy Conversion and Management, 238, 114170.

Bloomfield, H. C., Brayshaw, D. J., Gonzalez, P. L., & Charlton-Perez, A. (2021). Sub-seasonal forecasts of demand and wind power and solar power generation for 28 European countries. Earth System Science Data, 13(5), 2259-2274.

Bloomfield, H. C., Brayshaw, D. J., Troccoli, A., Goodess, C. M., De Felice, M., Dubus, L., ... & Saint-Drenan, Y. M. (2021). Quantifying the sensitivity of european power systems to energy scenarios and climate change projections. Renewable Energy, 164, 1062-1075.

Bloomfield, H. C., Gonzalez, P. L. M., Lundquist, J. K., Stoop, L. P., Browell, J., Dargaville, R., ... & Brayshaw, D. J. (2021). The importance of weather and climate to energy systems: a workshop on next generation challenges in energy–climate modeling. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 102(1), E159-E167.

Thomas, S. R., Martínez‐Alvarado, O., Drew, D., & Bloomfield, H.C (2021). Drivers of extreme wind events in Mexico for windpower applications. International Journal of Climatology, 41, E2321-E2340.


Wohland, J., Brayshaw, D., Bloomfield, H.C., & Wild, M. (2020). European multidecadal solar variability badly captured in all centennial reanalyses except CERA20C. Environmental Research Letters, 15(10), 104021.

Bloomfield, H. C., Suitters, C. C., & Drew, D. R. (2020). Meteorological drivers of European power system stress. Journal of Renewable Energy, 2020.

Coker, P. J., Bloomfield, H. C., Drew, D. R., & Brayshaw, D. J. (2020). Interannual weather variability and the challenges for Great Britain’s electricity market design. Renewable Energy, 150, 509-522.

Bloomfield, H. C., Brayshaw, D. J., & Charlton‐Perez, A. J. (2020). Characterizing the winter meteorological drivers of the European electricity system using targeted circulation types. Meteorological Applications, 27(1), e1858.


van der Wiel, K., Bloomfield, H. C., Lee, R. W., Stoop, L. P., Blackport, R., Screen, J. A., & Selten, F. M. (2019). The influence of weather regimes on European renewable energy production and demand. Environmental Research Letters, 14(9), 094010.

Drew, D. R., Coker, P. J., Bloomfield, H. C., Brayshaw, D. J., Barlow, J. F., & Richards, A. (2019). Sunny windy sundays. Renewable Energy, 138, 870-875.


Bloomfield, H. C., Shaffrey, L. C., Hodges, K. I., & Vidale, P. L. (2018). A critical assessment of the long-term changes in the wintertime surface Arctic Oscillation and Northern Hemisphere storminess in the ERA20C reanalysis. Environmental Research Letters, 13(9), 094004.

Bloomfield, H. C., Brayshaw, D. J., Shaffrey, L. C., Coker, P. J., & Thornton, H. E. (2018). The changing sensitivity of power systems to meteorological drivers: a case study of Great Britain. Environmental Research Letters, 13(5), 054028.


Bloomfield, H. C. (2017). The impact of climate variability and climate change on the GB power system (Doctoral dissertation, University of Reading).


Bloomfield, H. C., Brayshaw, D. J., Shaffrey, L. C., Coker, P. J., & Thornton, H. E. (2016). Quantifying the increasing sensitivity of power systems to climate variability. Environmental Research Letters, 11(12), 124025.

Reports i've been involved in producing

Name Description
State of the Climate for the UK Energy Sector 2023-24 The RMetS State of the Climate for the UK Energy Sector report provides a clear and concise overview of how weather impacted the UK's energy industry between January 2023 and April 2024.
Weather Data for power system planning. This report includes detail on all aspects of the gaps, needs, and solutions, as well as a section covering meteorology fundamentals for power systems planners, engineers, and others.
Large-scale electricity storage report This report (PDF) examines a range of options that can provide electricity when wind and solar are unable to meet demand.
Integrated Weather and Climate Services in Support of Net Zero Energy Transition Best Practices from the WMO Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Related Environmental Services and Applications.