Long CV
Since completing my PhD in 2017 I have worked on five research projects investigating climate re-lated risks to the energy, insurance, financial and rail sectors. In June 2023 I started an Academic track fellowship which draws much of this work together to study Climate resilient net-zero energy systems. I have contributed substantially to the academic literature (32 publications, 13 first author, h-index 14) and have been invited to speak on my research at 8 international talks in the last 3 years. A key goal of my work is to demonstrate how weather and climate information can be clearly communicated to end users including: industry professionals, other academics, policy makers, and the general public.
Employemnt History
Project | Description |
Academic Track Research Fellow, Newcastle University (part time until Feb 2024), June 2023 – Feb 2030 | Independent research fellowship on Climate Resilient Net-Zero Energy systems. Creating new risk-based power system modelling tools which exploit state-of-the-art weather and climate data and ca-tastrophe modelling techniques. Co-develop early warning systems to forecast notable resilience challenges with project partners. Initial focus on the UK, but then extending to developing nations with support of PhD students. |
Research Co-Investigator, University of Loughborough (part time), June 2023 – Feb 2024 | HYDRA is an exploratory project that aims to identify, quantify, and provisionally explain how the co-occurrence of six key GB HYDRo-meteorological wintertime extremes exAcerbates risk (i.e. ex-treme wind, storm surge, inland flooding, landslide, extreme cold, snow). Other infrastructure provid-ers’ sensitivity to identified co-occurrences will then be mapped. |
Science Engagement Fellow, Royal Meteorological Society (1-day a week) June 2022 – June 2023 | Founding the Royal Meteorological Society Insurance Special Interest Group. Organising cross-sector events for the weather, climate and insurance communities. Promoting society membership and developing future partnership opportunities for the Royal Meteorological Society. Also support-ing the societies Early Career and Energy Special interest groups. |
Research Associate University of Bristol, Sep 2021 – May 2023 | Centre for Greening Finance and Investment: Developing a catastrophe risk model for combined flood and windstorm events across Europe in collaboration with the insurance sector. Centre user engagement champion, responsible for organising collaborative workshops with industry. |
Research Co-Investigator University of Reading, Jan 2021 – Aug 2021 | Climate-Energy Modelling for Assessing Resilience: Heat Decarbonisation and the Northwest Euro-pean Supergrid. Created national demand, wind, and solar power data sets and made them availa-ble on an open access repository for use in the energy community. |
Named Researcher University of Reading, Jan 2018 – Dec 2020 | Sub-seasonal to Seasonal climate predictions for Energy: Defined novel meteorological weather patterns which explain the variability of the European energy. Explored the sub-seasonal predictabil-ity of various types of weather patterns in archived extended range weather forecasts. |
Research Assistant University of Reading May 2017 – Jan 2018 | Wind Storm Information Service: Created indicators of storm behavior, severity, and return periods across multiple European countries for use in the insurance industry. Datasets made available on an online portal with clear documentation of scientific limitations relevant for industry. |
PhD, University of Reading Sep 2013 - May 2017 | The impact of climate variability and climate change on the GB power system Funded by NERC and the UK Met Office (CASE partner). Constructed a modelling framework in which re-analysis data and climate model data was used to quantify the impacts of climate variability and climate change on the GB power system for the first time. |
Master of Natural Sciences Degree, University of East Anglia, Sep 2009- May 2013 | Major subjects: Maths and Physics. Starred first class honours and awarded the faculty prize for ex-ceptional performance. |
Project | Description | UKRI Centre of Excellence for Resilient Infrastructure Analysis on DAFNI | Uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis for resilient infrastructure systems. £81000 funded with University of Bristol, as a Co-investigator providing energy systems expertise. |
National Grid Network Innovation Allowance funding | Probabilistic Gas Supply and Demand Projections. Mathematical modelling methods will be used in this project to construct high-quality probabilistic models of energy system variables covering elec-tricity and gas supply and demand. £122000 funded with University of Glasgow and TNEI energy consultancy as Co-Investigator who will support climate data provision. |
NERC Exploring the Frontiers Grant | HYDRA HYDRo-meteorological wintertime extremes exAcerbates risk. £100000 funded with Loughborough, Birmingham and Newcastle University as Co-investigator who developed proposal sections on climate hazards and will deliver the required datasets. |
SUPERGEN flexible fund Resilience Grant | CLEARHEADS Climate-Energy Modelling for Assessing Resilience: Heat Decarbonisation and the Northwest European Supergrid. £120000 funded joint with Newcastle University as Co-investigator who wrote proposal climate sections. |
University of Bristol Cabot Institute Innovation Fund | The future of UK offshore wind power: optimising future investment decisions under climate change. £6207 funded as part of an industry collaboration with The Crown Estate. I am PI who wrote full pro-posal to fund a recent MSc students continuation. |
Travel Funding | Over £5000 travel funding sourced for invited visits to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, (Boulder, Colorado) University of Oslo and to lecture at a compound weather events summer school (Budapest). |
Project | Description |
Reasonable Worst case stress-test scenarios for the UK energy sector in the context of the changing climate | In collaboration with the UK Climate Change Committee. Funded as PI to create stress test scenarios Dec-Mar 2024. |
Probabilistic projections (of present and future cliamte) for National Gas. | This project presented a comprehensive summary of the NIA Probabilistic Projections project commissioned by National Gas (NG) and conducted by TNEI Services Ltd (TNEI) in collaboration with Newcastle University, with guidance from NG subject matter experts (SMEs). |
CS-NOW | Academic advisor and reviewer to the Climate Services for a net zero resilient world project for Ricardo. Topic: Risk to energy assets from extreme heat and heatwaves. |
Reports i've been involved in producing.
Name | Description |
State of the Climate for the UK Energy Sector 2023-24 | The RMetS State of the Climate for the UK Energy Sector report provides a clear and concise overview of how weather impacted the UK's energy industry between January 2023 and April 2024. For weather and climate professionals who may be less familiar with the energy sector, this report offers valuable insights into how weather events impact infrastructure and energy supply and demand. |
Weather Data for power system planning. | This report includes detail on all aspects of the gaps, needs, and solutions, as well as a section covering meteorology fundamentals for power systems planners, engineers, and others. |
Large-scale electricity storage report | This report (PDF) examines a range of options that can provide electricity when wind and solar are unable to meet demand. |
Integrated Weather and Climate Services in Support of Net Zero Energy Transition | Best Practices from the WMO Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Related Environmental Services and Applications. |